Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch. N.F. 4 (2016) – Abstracts
Лексические особенности церковнославянского переводного произведения «Учителя Самуила обличение» (1504)
Наталья Зяблицына (Москва)
The article “Lexical Features of a Church Slavonic Translation of the ‘Teacher Samuel's Diatribe” (1504)” examines the translation made by one of the members of the Gennady circle in the city of Novgorod. Besides frequently used Church Slavonic words, there are some additional lexical strata in the treatise, such as vocabulary of the Gennady circle, semantically unique words, the hapax legomena, some translator's decisions, biblical lexis, loanwords, russianisms, set phrases, proper names, and rare words that were used only in written records of the later period. Lexical variation of the translation is discussed as well. Dmitrii Gerasimov is named as the most probable author of the translation.
Key words: Dmitry Gerasimov, Gennady circle, translations from Latin, Church Slavonic lexis, hapax legomena, history of Russian language
Zwischen dem Ausgesprochenen und Verschwiegenen: Ivan S. Turgenevs Asja und Arthur Schnitzlers Fräulein Else
Maria Slavtscheva (Mainz)
The article “Between ‘Speaking out Loud’ and ‘Keeping Quiet’: Ivan S. Turgenev's Asja and Arthur Schnitzler's Fräulein Else” uses Ludwig Wittgenstein's concept of family resemblances, as well as Paul Watzlawick's communication axioms to analyse typological similarities between Russian story (1858) and Austrian monologic novella (1924). The first part considers respective patriarchal authority in both texts, and discusses potential conflict situations of two young women at the border between childhood and adolescence. The second part compares protagonists who face an important inner dilemma, specifically Asja's choice to name her problem and Else's inability to discuss her issue with anyone. The author concludes that both works advocate for ‘speaking out loud’ as strength.
Key words: Ivan Turgenev, Asja Arthur Schnitzler, Fräulein Else; literary comparison; theory of prose; Ludwig Wittgenstein's concept of family resemblances; Paul Watzlawick's communication axioms Keywords
Бегство в Эстонию. Ремизов и ревельское издательство «Библиофил»
Лазарь Флейшман (Stanford CA)
The article “Flight to Estonia: Aleksei Remizov and the Publishing House ‘Bibliofil’ (Reval)” re-examines the circumstances of Aleksei Remizov's departure from the Soviet Russia in August of 1921, and his first months of emigration. Based on previously unknown archival sources and overview of testimonies of the writer's contemporaries, this article shows the role that the short-lived Revel (Tallinn) publishing house “Bibliofil” and its director Albert Org played in Remizov's biography and literary life of the “Russian Berlin” (1921–1923).
Key words: Russian emigration, Bolshevik political repressions against intelligentsia, early Soviet literature, Russian-Estonian cultural contacts in the 1920s, the publishing house “Bibliofil” (Reval-Berlin), Aleksei Remizov, Albert Org, Mikhail Kantor, Fedor Sologub
«Зоркость к вещам тупика»: к интерпретации стихотворения Иосифа Бродского «Конец прекрасной эпохи»
Анна Сергеева-Клятис (Москва)
The article offers a “close reading” of Joseph Brodsky's poem “The End of a Beautiful Era” (1969) with the elements of intertextual analysis. The content of the poem is examined in a wider social, political and cultural background of Brodsky's life. It offers a new approach to this paradigmatic and at the same time, enigmatic poem, and discusses its semantic dominants.
Key words: Joseph Brodsky, Soviet ideology, theme of exile, semantic dominanants, intertextuality, Russian heraldics
(Über-)Schreiben sowjetischer Kindheiten in Texten von Taras Prochas'ko, Igor' Klech und Anastasija Afanas'eva
Tatjana Hofmann (Zürich)
The article “(Over-)Writing Soviet Childhoods in the texts of Taras Prokhas'ko, Igor' Klekh and Anastasiia Afanas'eva” examines three autobiographical projects by writers who grew up in the Soviet Ukraine. It takes a perspective of de-politization of the discourse of nostalgia by unveiling the common Soviet past that is currently neglected in describing Russian and Ukrainian identity. Prokhas'ko's prose displays a strong bond with his family's history, and preserves his role models' perception of the past. Klekh deals with what role memory plays in the writing process. Afanas'eva writes in Russian, and is committed to “reflexive nostalgia.” The views on what is “Soviet” expressed by these authors that find themselves within the Ukrainian vs. Russian dichotomy appear to be defined neither by the choice of language, nor by their cultural backgrounds.
Key words:Autobiography, childhood, nostalgia, self-reflexion, metapoetic writing, Taras Prokhas'ko, Igor' Klekh, Anastasiia Afanas'eva
Die Muttersprachen junger Weißrussen. Ihr symbolischer Gehalt und ihr Zusammenhang mit sozialen Faktoren und dem Sprachgebrauch in der Familie
Jan Patrick Zeller - Daria Levikin (Oldenburg)
The article “The Mother Tongues of Young Belarusians: Symbolic Content and Dependance on Social Factors and Language Usage in the Family” deals with linguistic situation among young adults in Belarus, where three different domains, Belarusian, Russian, and mixed Belarusian-Russian, compete. It is based on a nationwide survey of 1,000 respondents (2013), and investigates which language(s) the respondents call their native or mother tongue, as well as to what extent this choice is caused by actual language use in the respondents' families, and how it is related to symbolic aspects of self-identification. The article also demonstrates how sociodemographic factors and geopolitical preferences of young Belarusians contribute to this choice.
Key words: Belarus, bilingualism, diglossia, mixed speech, language contact, language conflict, mother tongue, native tongue, language attitudes, linguistic identity, self-identification of young adults
From the Correspondence of Roman Jakobson and Father Georges Florovsky
Lindsay Ceballos (Princeton NJ)
In 1954, the renowned linguist Roman Jakobson wrote to his fellow émigré, the eminent Orthodox priest Father Georges Florovsky, about a personal matter: the dissolution of a long-term romantic relationship with his former graduate student, Justinia Besharova. Besharova would eventually end the relationship to marry the linguist David Djaparidze. The letters illuminate a difficult period in Jakobson's life as much as they demonstrate the previously unknown closeness of the two émigrés.
Key words: Roman Jakobson, Father Georges Florovsky, Justinia Besharova, David Djaparidze, Russian émigrés, Harvard Slavic Department
Уничтоженная книга Антона Сорокина
Игорь Лощилов (Новосибирск) - Андрей Устинов (Сан Франциско)
The essay, “Anton Sorokin's Destroyed Book” follows the authors' search for a book titled “Symphony of the Revolution. Year 1919” by Siberian avant-garde writer Anton Sorokin (1884–1928), who claimed he destroyed every single copy, yet mentioned this publication on many occasions with a sense of pride throughout the 1920s. Known only by its name, the “Symphony” was treated as an apologia of the Revolution by Sorokin's contemporaries and Soviet scholars. However, discovery of the only existing copy of this book indicated otherwise: this poem clearly presented a very mixed assessment of the events of the Russian Revolution, interweaving the themes of the Apocalypse and post-revolutionary chaos, and involving Kerensky, Lenin and Admiral Kolchak in its discourse. It could be stated that Sorokin treated such historical perturbation as a disaster brought upon humanity in a most unconscionable manner, making his poetic expression in “Symphony of the Revolution” similar to “The Twelve” by Alexander Blok.
Key words: Literary history, avant-garde, major discovery, lost book, poem in prose, Siberia, San Francisco, literary hoax, human disaster, Russian poetry, books of Russian avant-garde, Russian post-revolutionary culture
Предварительный список русско-немецких и немецко-русских словарей, разговорников, других языковых пособий, выходивших на оккупированной территории СССР, в Германии и некоторых сопредельных европейских странах в 1941–1945 гг.
Борис Равдин (Рига)
A list of bilingual Russian/German dictionaries published in Germany and on the Nazi-occupied territories of the USSR and Eastern Europe during the WWII.
Key words:German/Russian dictionaries, publishing on the occupied territories during the WWII, the military and lexicography
Rossica im Programm des Amalthea-Verlages der 1920er–1940er-Jahre
Fedor Poljakov - Carmen Sippl (Wien)
Heinrich Studer (1889–1961) founded Amalthea-Verlag in 1917 in Vienna, Leipzig and Zurich, with the intention of publishing fiction and books on history of music. In early 1920s he started publishing works on modern history including Rossica. The article “Rossica in Amalthea's publishing program (1920s–1940s)” provides a catalogue of these editions and reconstructs the circumstances of their publishing in the context of ideological conflicts of the times, from the Austrian First Republic through 1945.
Key words:History of publishing in Austria, Germany, Switzerland; history of the Amalthea-Verlag; Rossica bibliography; Heinrich Studer; René Fülöp-Miller; Sergej Markov; Anna Vyrubova; Valentin Skidelsky; Austria between 1918 and 1945; Russian Revolution of 1917; Russian émigré studies