Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch. N.F. 3 (2015) – Abstracts
«Trattato contra li astrologi»
Савонаролы и
«Слово противу
тщащихся звездозрением предрицати о будущих и о самовластии человеком»
Максима Грека:
Опыт сопоставительного анализа
Франческа Ромоли (Пиза)
The article «Trattato contra li astrologi» of Girolamo Savonarola and «Slovo protivu tščaščichsja zvezdozreniem predricati o buduščich i o samovlastii čelovekom» of Maxim the Greek: A comparative analysis focuses on the influence that Savonarola’s works against astrology possibly had on ones by Maxim the Greek. Both Savonarola and Maxim developed their criticism of astrology in several texts. Among them, Trattato contra li astrologi and Slovo protivu tščaščichsja zvezdozreniem… show the most re-markable similarities. Analogies can be pointed out at different levels. In particular, comparative analysis uncovered the following: strictly corresponding text structures, use of the same biblical passages and in the same argumentative context; both authors refer to the same Fathers of the Church and quote the same passage from St. Augustine’s De Genesi ad litteram libri duodecim, they recall the philosophy of Aristotle, advance the same arguments, and make use of comparable stylistic devices. On this basis the author formulates the conclusion that Trattato contra li astrologi served as model for Slovo protivu tščaščichsja zvezdozreniem…
Key words: Girolamo Savonarola, Maxim the Greek, Trattato contra li astrologi, Slovo protivu tščaščichsja zvezdozreniem…, Astrology, Italian Humanism, Sixteenth century Muscovy
A Linguistic Analysis of the
First and Second
Redactions of
H. S. Skovoroda’s Dialogue Narkiss:
from a Local to a Supernational Perspective
Maria Grazia Bartolini (Milano)
The article compares two different redactions of Skovoroda’s first philosophical dialogue Narkiss (dating 1769–1771 and 1780s respectively), focusing on the interaction between the old Ukrainian literary tradition, Meletian Church Slavonic and the new Russian literary language. In seeking to ascertain whether Skovoroda’s language has been subject to any development, I point to the concurrent processes of deukranization and Church-Slavonicization as shaping the writer’s linguistic practice in the last decade (1780–1794) of his life and literary activity.
Key words: H. S. Skovoroda, History of Ukrainian Language, Sloboda Ukraine, Late Church Slavonic
Functionalising syntactic variance: declarative complementation with kako and če in 17th to 19th century Balkan Slavic
Barbara Sonnenhauser (Wien / Zürich)
The paper is concerned with kako and če as two possibilities to introduce declarative complement clauses in pre-standardized Balkan Slavic writing. Comparing the usage of both in Sofronij Vračanski’s Nedelnik, his autobiography (both early 19th century) and a later edition of the Nedelnik (late 19th century) with their usage in 17th century damaskini, synchronic and diachronic evidence is provided that the variation between kako and če gradually becomes functionalised. This can be inferred from word order patterns that serve the syntactic and semantic integration of matrix and complement clause and the structuring of information. Based on these observations, the exclusive usage of kako in Sofronij’s autobiography can be accounted for in terms of the matching of linguistic function and genre requirements. The observed interactions between syntax, text and genre indicate a close interaction of linguistic and literary development in pre-standardized Balkan Slavic.
Key words: complement clauses, raising, information structure, Sofronij Vračanski, damaskini, Balkan Slavic, linguistic and literary development, genre, če, kako, da
Chasing Europe. The diagnosis of backwardness in Polish writings on Galicia during the second half of the 19th century
Michał Krajkowski (Toruń)
The main aim of the article is to examine various views of the problem of progress and backwardness presented in Polish writings on Galicia during the second half of the 19th century. At this time Galicia was considered as one of the most backward regions of Europe, and this state of affairs was also noticed by Polish journalists, scientists, politicians and writers connected with Austrian partition of former Poland. However, it does not mean that the diagnoses as well as recipes for economic growth were concurrent. To the contrary, significant differences can be found between views on the development of Galicia. Moreover, these opinions changed over time. This article is an attempt to trace the evolution of these ideas, which was parallel to the changes in the situation of the province. The author does not present a complete picture of the problem of backwardness in multicultural Galicia, but he focuses on Polish writings, as a product of the politically dominant culture of the province.
Key words: Polish literature, 19th century, Galicia, backwardness, progress, economy, industrialization, core, periphery
«Значение светло»: ключ к
«Веницейской жизни»
Осипа Мандельштама
Александр Кулик (Иерусалим)
The paper suggests a new interpretation of the “Venetian Life” by Osip Mandelstam, based on previously unknown pictorial subtexts. Introduction of these subtexts enables a reevaluation of the interpretation, structure and main intertextual connections of the poem.
Key words: Osip Mandelstam, Venice, subtexts, ekphrasis, vanitas, riddle, mirror, Strozzi
Westbelarussische Literatur und
Literaturfeld (1921–1939). Versuch einer Standortbestimmung
Gun-Britt Kohler (Oldenburg)
Literature of Western Belarus and the Belarusian literary field (1921–1939). An attempt at systematical localisation. Belarusian literature of the 1920ies-1930ies represents an impressive example of a disjoint literary space set in between state borders, language areas, ideological systems, antagonistic fields of power and ‘nationally’ imagined territories that, by now, usually was met by literary historians with the systematical separation of ‘Literature of Western Belarus’ (as ‘special case’) from ‘(Soviet) Belarusian literature’ (as ‘usual case’). The paper tries to tackle this phenomenon of a divided literature from a field theoretical perspective and, by using the parameter of ‘field-effect’, to review the boundaries of Belarusian literary field. As one of the results, the overlapping of opposing political, ideological, institutional and aesthetical relations of power seems to generate a specific potentiality, enabling the respective subsystems to carry out autonomy at different points of time.
Key words: Divided literature, field theory, field boundaries, field effects, autonomy, literary institution, literary magazines, Belarusian literature, Western and Soviet Belarusian literature
Polnische Neuphraseme als Spiegel gegenwärtiger Tendenzen in der polnischen Phraseologie – unter Einbeziehung des Deutschen
Mariola Majnusz-Stadnik (Opole) /Dennis Scheller-Boltz (Innsbruck)
The present article „Polish neophrasemes as a reflection of current trends in Polish phraseology – with special reference to German neophrasemes“ tries to reconstruct how some of the newly established phrasemes reflect modern life styles, current values and priorities. It lists neophrasemes from the following fields: everyday life, politics, advertising, and youth language. The listed phrasemes serve primarily as a collection of examples which might be interesting for research projects on phraseology as well as for dictionaries. They also illustrate in which direction Polish phraseology is evolving today and which new trends are emerging in the field of Polish phraseology. Neophrasemes in German are added for the purpose of a confrontative comparison.
Key words: phraseology, Polish, German, neophrasemes, everyday life, politics, advertising, youth language
Don Giovanni’s Eucharist and the
of Arthur Lourié
Klára Móricz (Amherst MA)
“Don Giovanni’s Eucharist and the Decadent Aesthetics of Arthur Lourié” explores how in his articles “Art and Sin” (1956) and “Variations on Mozart” (1930) the Russian composer Arthur Lourié intersects aesthetics, ethics, and religion, combining the decadent allures of his youth with Pushkin’s poetic ideas of erotic energy; Kierkegaard’s philosophy of the sensuous; Vladimir Solovyov’s views of love; Nicolas Berdyaev’s emphasis on the role of creativity in Christian philosophy; and Jacques Maritain’s ideas on creative intuition. As “Art and Sin” amply demonstrates, the result of such diverse impulses is not necessarily coherent, but it perfectly exemplifies the intellectual stimuli of Maritain’s (and Lourié’s) circle in the 1920s and 1930s in Paris. Lourié’s Christianized vision of the erotic can be read both from an angle of the Russian Silver-Age and from that of Maritain’s bold Catholicism.
Key words: Berdyaev, Decadence, Eros, Helene Iswolsky, Kierkegaard, Lourié, Mari-tain, Mozart, Neo-Thomism, Pushkin, renouveau catolique, Silver Age, Vladimir Solovyov, The Third Hour
Ein Corpus delicti: Die Urteilsschrift gegen Dr. Karl Kramář (Wien, 8. Juni 1916)
Gertraud Marinelli-König (Wien)
“A corpus delicti: The decision passed by the Viennese Military Tribunal on June 8, 1916 against Dr. Karel Kramář” – Karel Kramář, a leading Czech politician and member of the Austrian Reichsrat was tried for high treason and sentenced to death on the basis of shaky evidence. His engagement for the Czech national interests and Russophile position in the pre-WWI period was regarded as the main cause for the questionable loyalty of Czech soldiers and missing enthusiasm of the citizens of the Bohemian lands when asked for financial engagements (“war loan”) during WWI. The court-martial decision of more than 600 pages in small print is being analyzed in the following paper and it is regarded as a corpus delicti. This document mirrors the general negative attitude towards the cultural and political emancipation of the Slavic nations within the Habsburg monarchy and towards Russia.
Key words: WWI; Austrian-Czech history; imprisonment of Karel Kramář in 1915; Austrian military jurisdiction misusing the cultural and political Slavic press of the prewar-period
Кот Бубера Николая Асеева и Николая Купреянова
Подготовка текста, примечания,
Николая Я. Купреянова и Владимира Нехотина (Москва)
An attempt to reconstruct the unrealized edition (1922) of the poem “Sentimental’noe puteshestvie znamenitogo kota Bubery” (“A Sentimental Journey of Famous Cat Bubera” by N. Aseev (a former member of the Futurist group “Centrifuga”, soon joined the LEF), illustrated by N. Kupreyanov.
Key words: N. Aseev, N. Kupreyanov, S. Bobrov, “Centrifuga”, VKHUTEMAS, LEF, Russian futurism, fictional cats in literature
Редактор и издатель Павел Иртель в Эстонии (1921–1939)
Галина Пономарева (Таллин)
The article “Editor and Publisher Pavel Irtel in Estonia (1921–1939)” analyzes hitherto unknown archival documents which reveal his Estonian extraction. Special attention is given to Irtel᾽s activities in the organization of the Russian literary circle in Estonia Tallinnskii Tsekh Poetov (Tallinn Guild of Poets) and the publication of its literary miscellany Nov’ (The Virgin Soil). It discusses the conflicts inside the Guild and their consequences for Irtel’s literary and publishing activities.
Key words: Russian Literature in the Baltics; Pavel Irtel, Nov’ (Tallinn), The Tallinn Guild of Poets
Предварительный список русских изданий, выходивших на оккупированных территориях СССР, в Германии и некоторых сопредельных европейских странах в 1941–1945 годах
Борис Равдин (Рига)
The article “A Preliminary List of Russian Publications which Appeared on the Nazi-Occupied Territories of the USSR as well as in Germany and Some Neighboring European Countries in 1941–1945” investigates different types of printed materials (including textbooks and literature for children) and offers a detailed bibliography of such publications, which provides valuable information about many aspects of cultural policy under Nazi occupation.
Key words: World War II, Nazi occupation, Nazi propaganda, Russian newspapers under Nazi rule, collaboration, Ostarbeiter
Югославянские контакты Алексея
1920-е – 1930-е годы
Федор Поляков (Вена)
The paper “The South Slavic contacts of Aleksey Remizov in the 1920ies – 1930ies” focuses on reconstructing of several efforts the writer undertook from his exile in Paris to publish his literary work, either in translations or in original, in the periodicals as well as by the publishing houses which were active in Yugoslavia, most notably in Belgrade. Even if these efforts turned out to be only partially successful, the evidence from his abundant correspondance provides a vivid picture of the literary ties which involved many outstanding representatives of both cultures.
Key words: Aleksey Remizov, Ilya Golenishchev-Kutuzov, Evgenii Anichkov, Vyacheslav Ivanov, Russian diaspora in the Kingdom of SHS, Zemgor, reception of Russian literature in Serbia and Croatia before WWII