"Наші інші: Iсторія українського різноманіття"/"Unsere anderen: Geschichten ukrainischer Vielfalt"/"Our Others: Stories of Ukrainian Diversity"

11.06.2024 13:15

Buchpräsentation von Olesya Yaremchuk mit anschließendem Gespräch über das Leben der nationalen Minderheiten nach dem Anbruch des Krieges

Termin: Dienstag, 11. Juni 2024, 13:15-14:45 Uhr
Ort: Seminarraum 4 des Instituts für Slawistik


In ihrem 2021 in deutscher Übersetzung erschienenen Buch „Unsere Anderen: Geschichten ukrainischer Vielfalt“ dokumentiert die Journalistin und Schriftstellerin Olesya Yaremchuk die Geschichte(-n) ethnischer Minderheiten in der Ukraine.

Der Krieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine verändert die ethnische Landschaft der Ukraine weiter. Neue Migrationswellen betreffen auch die von ihr porträtierten Gruppen: Die Schweden aus der Region Cherson waren gezwungen, aufgrund der Invasion ihre Heimat zu verlassen, ebenso wie die meschetischen Türken aus Bakhmut oder die Griechen aus Mariupol.

Die Präsentation im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung UE Phraseologismen und Idiomatik von Dr. Elisabeth Olentchouk findet auf Ukrainisch statt - Diskussion, Fragen und Antworten sind auch auf Deutsch und Englisch möglich.


Zur englischen Übersetzung des Buches:

This award-winning book on fourteen ethnic minorities explores local histories and personal stories of Ukraine’s Czechs and Slovaks, Meskhetian Turks, Swedes, Romanians, Hungarians, Roma, Jews, ‘Liptaks’, Gagauzes, Germans, Vlachs, Poles, Crimean Tatars, and Armenians. On the basis of scholarly research, fieldwork and interviews, Olesya Yaremchuk provides thoughtful depictions of how these groups appeared in Ukraine and how they have fared within the country’s borders. Accompanied by vivid photographs that bring her literary reportages to life, Our Others chronicles the myriad voluntary and forced migrations that have rolled through Ukraine for centuries. Simultaneously, the book offers a tender study of Ukraine’s cultural diversity that has survived the Soviet steamroller of planned linguistic, cultural, and religious unification, and that deserves stronger acknowledgement as a constituent part of Ukraine’s broader identity. Marta Barnych and Anton Semyzhenko have, as contributing authors, enriched the volume.


“The stories in Our Others are, first and foremost, about rupture and dispersion — of individual people, families, and entire nations. The author has taken on a great responsibility: of lending a voice to the unheard, to those society prefers to not notice, to those who are permitted to express themselves and become visible only within predefined limits.”
- Bohdana Romantsova, PhD, literary critic


“Yaremchuk’s reportages truly are artistic, with emotional ‘hooks’ at the beginning and fat periods at the end, when you are left shaking with sobs before you’ve even turned the page.”
- Roman Kabachiy, PhD, journalist and historian


Olesya Yaremchuk is an acclaimed Ukrainian author and journalist focusing on travel anthropology, cultural and national identity, and the frontier. She holds a degree in journalism from the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Her doctoral dissertation, entitled Travel Anthropology in the Literary Reportages of Joseph Roth, was completed in 2018 jointly at this same institution and the University of Vienna, where she held an OeAD Research Fellowship. Yaremchuk has served as the editor-in-chief of the Choven Publishing House, a Ukrainian press specializing in reportage and documentary literature, and has contributed as a journalist to various publications both in Ukraine and abroad. She is a winner of the Samovydets Literary Reportage Award and the LitAccent of the Year Award, both in Ukraine, as well as a finalist of the ADAMI Media Prize and the Lviv UNESCO City of Literature Award.

Olesya Yaremchuk is a Fellow of the "Ukraine in European Dialogue" program at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna and the Harriman Institute at Columbia University.