
The Department of Slavonic Studies of the University of Vienna is the world's largest research and teaching centre for Slavic languages, literatures and cultures with the following focal points:

  • Language, literature and cultural contact research
  • Contact and sociolinguistics
  • Dialectology including Burgenland Croatian and Slovenian in Carinthia
  • Slavic Literatures in Comparison and in Relation to German Literature
  • Medieval Studies (Early Medieval Slavic including Proto-Slavic)
  • Slavic substrate in Austria
  • Comparative Slavic Linguistics
  • History of the Slavic script languages
  • Subject didactics

 New Publications


Oliver Jens SCHMITT, Peter ŠTIH, Arnold SUPPAN, Peter VODOPIVEC (Hgg.)

Redaktion: Ferdinand KÜHNEL


Elizabeta M. Jenko


Herausgegeben von Andrea Zorka Kinda-Berlakovich im Namen der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Kroatistik.


Herausgegeben von Heinz Miklas, Elena Velkovska, Maria Schnitter unter Mitwirkung von Katsiaryna Ackermann, Simon Brenner, Melanie Gau, Dana Hürner,...


Herausgegeben von Peter Deutschmann, Michael Moser und Alois Woldan


Stefan Michael Newerkla – Pavel Kosek – Tomáš Kubíček