Vienna Slavic Yearbook. N.S. 5 (2017) – Abstracts

Jahrbuch 2017 Abstracts

Zur Überlieferung des Wallfahrtsberichtes des Abtes Daniil in den Großen Lesemenäen

Marcello Garzaniti (Florenz)

The new edition of the Pilgrimage of Igumen Daniil, published in 2007 by a team of scholars under the leadership of G. M. Prokhorov, allows us to compare the oldest manuscript of the “first redaction” (RNB Q.XVII.88) with the evidence of the Velikie Minei Četii (RNB Sof. № 1322). The latter version transforms the pilgrimage tale into a devotional text, which fits better with Metropolitan Makarij’s project of collecting the Slavia Orthodoxa cultural heritage.

Key words: Old Russian manuscript tradition, Old Russian literature, literature of pilgrimage, Igumen Daniil

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Altkirchenslavische Westslavismen oder Ghostwords? Der Fall Wenzel

Vittorio Springfield Tomelleri (Macerata)

The article deals with two (Old) Church Slavonic lexemes, рованиѥ and зълолютьнъ, which are quite problematic from both a linguistic and a philological point of view. They are found in the Service in Honour of Saint Wenceslaus, contained in three East Slavic manuscripts, one from the end of the 11th century, and two from the late 12th century. Regarding the enigmatic noun рованиѥ, the article focuses on the textual examination of the manuscript tradition and underlines the intertextual allusion of the relevant passus to Paul’s First Epistle to the Corinthians. Different interpretations of alleged West Slavonic origin of this word, attested in a similar form by the glagolitic Kiev Leaflets as a translation of Latin munera, are thoroughly discussed. A compound adjective зълолютьнъ is employed in the Troparion to Theotokos, translated from Greek. There is no direct correspondence between the Slavic form and the Greek text, as two semantically distant adjectives, namely ἄστατον καὶ δεινὸν, are used. However, a similar quantitative and qualitative relationship could be observed in other canons, where the same Theotokion appears. The diachronic evidence found in later Church Slavonic texts of the Bulgarian and Serbian origin suggests the lexical proximity of зълолютьнъ to the Greek adjective δυσχερής, and thereby further complicates the lexicographic analysis of the Old Church Slavonic hapax legomenon.

Key words: (Old) Church Slavonic lexicography; service for Saint Wenceslaus; Kiev Leaflets; рованиѥ, зълолютьнъ

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Die Graphie der zweiten Ausgabe des Traumbuchs (1581) von Václav Hájek z Libočan

Pavel Kosek (Brno)

The article “The graphic design of the second edition of the Dream Book (1581) by Václav Hájek z Libočan” deals with the edition printed by Jiří Dačický in Prague. Hajek’s work is a revised version of the Old Czech Dream Book by Vavřinec z Březové. Since the first printed edition (ca. 1550) survived only as a fragment (gathering B), the analysed edition printed by Dačický is the oldest complete version of Hájek’s Dream Book. The article focuses on the analysis of two issues: (1) the repertory of graphemes (graphs) and their distribution, including punctuation, (2) typefaces (characters of printing) that were used. The analysis shows that the orthographic and typographic features of this print are, in most cases, in accordance with trends in the development of the Czech orthography of printed books since the second half of 16th century (this orthographic system is traditionally referred to as the “Brethren orthography” and recently as “printers' orthography”). However, the printery did not strictly follow the orthographic and typographic standards for printed texts by the Unity of the Brethren.

Key words: Czech language history, orthography, graphic design, dream books, Václav Hájek z Libočan

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Das Wissen über den (eigenen) Osten. Nicolaus Hussovianus’ „Carmen de bisonte“ als zweifacher Kommunikationsakt

Marion Rutz (Passau)

„The Knowledge about the (Own) East. Nicolaus Hussovianus’ “Poem on Bison” as a Twofold Communication Act“ – “Carmen de bisonte” (1521/1523) challenges the idea of national literatures. The local origin of the author is contested; the language is Latin. As a result, the “Poem on Bison” is incorporated today into several Renaissances (Polish, Belarussian, Lithuanian) simultaneously. The article proposes a new interpretation in opposition to the widespread “patriotic” readings. Instead of the articulation of one exclusive national identity, “Carmen de bisonte” contains overlapping and consciously vague markers. The article makes further arguments in relation to the text’s pragmatics, i. e. the context(s) of writing and publication. It was written in Rome, as part of a diplomatic mission, with Pope Leo X. as the addressee and a “Southern” audience in mind. After the sudden death of the addressee who was also of a patron-cumcustomer, the text was published in Cracow, being now addressed to queen Bona Sforza and aimed at mainly Eastern Central European readers.

Key words: Nicolaus Hussovianus, Mikołaj Hussowski, Polish Renaissance, Belarussian Renaissance, descriptio gentium, Enea Silvio Piccolomini, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

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Церковнославянские переводы литургии апостола Иакова по рукописям XVI – XIX веков

Борис Даниленко (Москва)

The article “Church Slavonic translations of the Apostle Jacob’s liturgy according to the manuscripts from the 16th to the 19th century” analyses a range of evidence, including hitherto unknown textual sources, and singles out several independent Slavonic translations of the Greek original. This study is based on the results of the PhD dissertation „Die kirchenslawische Übersetzung der Jakobus-Liturgie von Ivan Gardner: Textologie und Kulturgeschichte“ at the University of Vienna.

Key words: Slavonic versions of the Apostle Jacob’s Liturgy, Slavonic translations of Greek liturgical texts, Old Church Slavonic, textual criticism, Slavonic palaeography, Russian religious life in exile

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Frielištofski purgamastr. Kroatisch-Čakavisches aus Südmähren

Gerhard Neweklowsky (Wien–Klagenfurt)

The Croatian dialect of Southern Moravia – After the Second World War the population of three Croatian villages near Drnholec / Dürnholz and Mikulov / Nikolsburg in Southern Moravia in the Czech Republic was expelled by the communist authorities, and replaced by Czech residents. Most of the Croats were resettled in other parts of Moravia, some f led to Austria where they stayed or migrated to other countries. This article describes the language of a Moravian Croat, who f led to Austria at the age of twelve, and later emigrated to Canada. The dialect is Čakavian ikavian-ekavian and closely related to the Burgenland Croatian. However, since the 16th century this language has been strongly influenced by Czech and German, and the population has been trilingual. Czech influences upon the Croatian language can be observed in the field of phonetics, grammar, lexicon and phraseology, whereas German influences are restricted to the lexicon and phraseology. The linguistic description is supplemented by a text which illustrates the pragmatic functioning of the language.

Key words: Čakavian Croatian, Southern Moravia, former Croatian villages, Burgenland Croatian

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Молодой Шкловский (По архивным материалам)

Марина Сальман (С.-Петербург)

The article “Young Shklovsky (according to archival sources)”, based on Viktor Shklovsky’s unpublished letters to the poet Lazar Berman (1915), contains previously unknown details of the biography of the OPOYAZ founder.

Key words: Viktor Shklovsky, Vladimir Shklovsky, Lazar Berman, Samuil Marshak, Russian literary theory

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Brotherhood of Violence, Unity of Violence: The Holocaust and the Yugoslav Policy of Remembrance in Aleksandar Tišma’s Novels The Book of Blam, The Use of Man, and Kapo

Bettina Kaibach (Heidelberg)

This article gives a critical reading of Tišma’s representation of the Shoah. It shows how Tišma debunks both the narrative of the Second World War that served as the foundation myth of post-war Yugoslavia, as well as the ethno-national perspective that gradually replaced this narrative. Tišma challenges the teleological optimism of the dominant myth by presenting the Shoah as the ultimate proof of his view of history as an endless cycle of violence. The Shoah thus becomes the symbol of universal cruelty, while the slogan of the Yugoslav brotherhood and unity is reinterpreted as the universal brotherhood and unity of violence. The paper discusses the problematic aspects of this perspective and argues that in Kapo Tišma later modified some of his views.

Key words: Aleksandar Tišma, Holocaust remembrance, Holocaust literature, World War II, Serbian literature, Yugoslavia, Novi Sad, Hladni dani massacre, evil, sexuality, concepts of history, nationalism

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Сонеты из Vita nuova Данте в ранних переводах Эллиса

Подготовка текста и комментарии Елены Глуховой (Москва)
и Федора Полякова (Вена). Предисловие Федора Полякова

The article “The sonetts from Dante’s Vita nuova in the earlier translations by Ellis” presents a brief outline of Ellis’ persistent interest in interpreting Dante’s heritage, which went through notable modifications in the course of his interactions with the Dutch mystical thinker, Johanna van der Meulen, known as Intermediarius. Further, the article contains a selection of mostly unpublished texts which reflect Ellis’ work on translating Vita nuova and focusing particularly on three manuscripts and drafts from Moscow archival collections. This publication aims to shed additional light on the reception of Dante during the age of Symbolism in Russia.

Key words: Ellis (Lev Kobylinskii), Dante’s reception in Russia, Russian translation of Dante’s Vita nuova, Jonanna van der Meulen (Intermediarius), Musagetes publishing house

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Письма В. В. Набокова к В. Ф. Ходасевичу и Н. Н. Берберовой (1930–1939). Письмо Н. Берберовой к В. Набокову

Публикация и примечания Андрея Бабикова (Москва)
и Манфреда Шрубы (Бохум).
Вступительная статья Андрея Бабикова

This is a publication of Vladimir Nabokov’s correspondence with two important Russian emigré writers, Vladislav Khodasevich and Nina Berberova. These hitherto unpublished letters (19 in total) are taken from three US-based archives: the Hoover Institution (Stanford), the Beinecke Library (Yale) and the Library of Congress (Washington). The letters add new details to the biographies and creative development of the three Russian authors. The publication is accompanied by exhaustive commentaries to the names, facts and work titles mentioned in the letters. The introductory essay sheds light on the relationship between the authors, which was characterized by mutual respect and friendship.

Key words: Vladimir Nabokov; Vladislav Khodasevich; Nina Berberova; Russian emigration of the first wave

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Ученый и власть: случай Б. И. Ярхо

Марина Акимова (Москва)

The article contains a reconstruction of the principles of behaviour that Boris Isaakovich Yarkho (1889–1942) elaborated for himself under the rising ideological pressure. Its interpretation of facts that testify to Yarkho's independent political and personal views, his capacity to identify available ways of resistance against the regime and forms of self-protection is proposed. The main source for this biographical reconstruction are official letters, which Yarkho adressed to state institutions (the People’s Commissariat of Enlightement of the Russian Soviet Federal Union Republic (Narkompros); the People̕s Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD), the Academy of Sciences, the Higher Attestation Comission (VAK) et al.) and other documents from educational and scientific organisations. The majority of documents presented in the article has never been published before.

Key words: Boris I. Yarkho, history of Soviet literary studies, the Russian school of formal and exact methods of literary studies, political terror among scientists and scholars in the USSR in 1930–1940s, history of everyday life

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Вокруг и около В. Шихматова
(Материалы к словнику псевдонимов)

Борис Равдин (Рига)

In this paper, an attempt is made to identify the person behind the “Shikhmatov” pseudonym used in articles and short stories which appeared in newspapers published in the period of the German occupation such as “Rech” (Orel, 1942 and 1943) and various Odessa-based periodicals (1943). A suggestion is made that this pseudonym belongs to V. V. Kristi (Cristi, Criste), a minor Moscow writer descending from a prominent Bessarabian noble family.

Key words: WWII in USSR, cities Orel, Odessa, Soviet writers, Russian periodicals during the German occupation, occupational press authors, Shikhmatov, V. Kristi (Cristi, Khristi)

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